Too Many Redirects: What This Error Means & How to Fix It

Too Many Redirects” in website terms refers to a situation where a web page enters an endless loop of redirects, preventing it from loading properly. It occurs when a browser encounters multiple consecutive redirection instructions from the server or website, leading to an infinite chain of redirections.

Imagine clicking on a link to a webpage, but instead of loading the content, you’re continuously bouncing between different URLs without reaching the intended destination. This looping process creates frustration for users and disrupts their browsing experience.

Generally, redirects are used to guide users from an old URL to a new one, transfer visitors from HTTP to HTTPS, or direct traffic to a mobile-friendly version of a site. However, if these redirections are improperly configured or there’s a mistake in the setup, it can result in the browser getting trapped in an endless loop, displaying an error message indicating “Too Many Redirects.”

This issue often arises due to misconfigured server settings, conflicting directives in the website’s code, or incorrect URL redirection rules. Addressing and resolving the excessive redirects problem is crucial to ensure a smooth user experience and proper functionality of the website.

What Does “Too Many Redirects” Mean?

The “Too Many Redirects” error is a common occurrence that can disrupt your online browsing experience. If you’ve ever encountered this error, you’ve likely seen a message similar to, “The page isn’t redirecting properly” or “This page has too many redirects.” But what’s happening behind the scenes?

In simple terms, the “Too Many Redirects” error occurs when a web page gets stuck in an infinite loop of redirections. When you enter a URL or click on a link, your web browser obediently follows the instructions given by the website’s server to reach the intended destination. However, trouble brews when the server incessantly shuttles your browser between multiple URLs, never allowing it to arrive at the final destination. This frustrating scenario triggers the “Too Many Redirects” error, leading to prolonged loading times and negatively impacting page load speed. It’s a roadblock that can hinder your browsing experience and deter users from accessing your site.

This error isn’t exclusive to a particular web browser; it can occur in popular options like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. The frustration often stems from not understanding why this error happens and how to resolve it.

Causes of “Too Many Redirects” Error:

Understanding the root causes of the “Too Many Redirects” error is crucial for effective troubleshooting. Let’s delve into the common reasons behind this issue:

  1. Incorrect Configuration: Misconfigured settings on the webserver or in your Content Management System (CMS) can lead to redirect loops. This may include issues with your .htaccess file, incorrect URL settings, or conflicting directives. When your server and website’s configuration don’t align, it can result in a never-ending cycle of redirections.
  1. SSL Certificate Misconfigurations: The implementation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates for HTTPS encryption is essential for web security. However, issues with SSL certificates, such as improper installation or mismatched URLs in the certificate, can trigger redirection errors. This is particularly common when switching from HTTP to HTTPS.
  1. Plugin or Extension Conflicts: Many websites rely on plugins or extensions to enhance functionality. However, conflicts between these components can lead to redirection errors. Identifying which specific plugin or extension is causing the issue is essential for resolution.
  1. HTTP to HTTPS Redirection: In the interest of web security, many site owners transition their websites from HTTP to HTTPS. While this is a crucial step, the process needs to be executed carefully. Mishandling the transition can lead to endless redirection loops.
  1. DNS Configuration Issues: Incorrect Domain Name System (DNS) settings can also cause redirection loops. This is especially true when changing hosting providers or updating your website’s IP address. When the DNS records do not accurately point to the correct server, users can end up in a continuous loop of redirects.

While understanding the potential causes is helpful, resolving the “Too Many Redirects” error requires a more systematic approach. The next section will guide you through practical solutions to fix this frustrating issue.

How to Fix the “Too Many Redirects” Error:

Fixing the “Too Many Redirects” error involves troubleshooting the underlying causes and applying the appropriate solutions. Here’s a step-by-step guide to resolving this error:

  1. Check SSL Certificate: Start by confirming that your SSL certificate is correctly installed and up-to-date. Pay special attention to any URL mismatches in the certificate configuration. If you find discrepancies, adjust them to ensure consistency.
  1. Review .htaccess File: The .htaccess file is a configuration file used by Apache servers to handle various aspects of website management, including redirection rules. Inspect your website’s .htaccess file for any misconfigurations. Correct any faulty rewrite rules or redirects. A single incorrect directive can cause redirect loops, so be thorough in your review.
  1. Plugin/Extension Testing: If your website relies on various plugins or extensions, conflicts between these components can be the source of the “Too Many Redirects” error. To identify the problematic element, temporarily deactivate plugins or extensions one by one and test the website after each deactivation. Once you’ve determined which component is causing the issue, you can update or replace it as necessary.
  1. HTTPS Configuration: If you’ve recently transitioned your website from HTTP to HTTPS, ensure that all your website’s settings are updated accordingly. Check your Content Management System (CMS) and database for any references to HTTP that need to be changed to HTTPS. This includes internal links, database entries, and any hardcoded HTTP references.
  1. DNS Configuration: When making DNS changes, remember that it may take some time for these changes to propagate throughout the internet. Verify that your DNS records are correctly configured to point to the right server or hosting provider. If you’ve recently moved your website to a new hosting provider, ensure that your DNS settings are up-to-date.
  1. Clear Browser Cookies: Sometimes, browser cookies can cause or contribute to redirect loops. Clearing your browser cookies can help resolve this issue. Keep in mind that this will log you out of websites that you were previously logged into, so be prepared to re-enter your login information where necessary.
  1. Content Management System (CMS) Updates: Outdated CMS versions, themes, and plugins can introduce vulnerabilities and errors. Ensure that your CMS and all related components are up-to-date. Regularly updating your website’s software helps prevent errors and enhances security.

Effects of Too Many Redirects on Website and Users

When a website falls into the “Too Many Redirects” trap, it’s like going on a never-ending road trip with no destination. For users, it’s a frustrating loop – clicking, waiting, and ending up nowhere. This issue disrupts the browsing experience, making it tough to access the desired content. Moreover, it slows down page loading, affecting site performance and SEO. From a website standpoint, it’s like traffic gridlock – too many directions, no progress. Fixing this glitch is essential as it ensures smooth navigation, faster load times, and an overall better experience for visitors cruising through your site.

Excessive redirects can have detrimental effects on both a website’s functionality and the experience of its users, impacting SEO, website performance, and user satisfaction:

SEO Impact:

1. SEO Rankings:

  • Dilution of Link Juice: Each redirect typically passes a fraction of the link equity. Excessive redirects can weaken the authority passed from inbound links, affecting the page’s ranking potential.
  • Indexing Issues: Search engine crawlers may struggle to properly index content if they encounter a series of redirects, leading to incomplete indexing or even removal of pages from search results.

2. Page Load Speed:

  • Increased Load Times: Each redirect adds extra HTTP requests, slowing down the page load speed. Sluggish load times negatively impact SEO as search engines favor faster-loading websites.

User Experience Impact:

1. Increased Bounce Rates:

  • User Frustration: Endless redirects confuse and frustrate users, prompting them to abandon the site. High bounce rates signal poor user experience to search engines, potentially affecting rankings.

2. Navigation Challenges:

  • Content Accessibility: Too many redirects may prevent users from accessing the desired content, leading to a poor browsing experience.
  • Mobile Experience: On mobile devices, excessive redirects can be more pronounced due to slower internet connections or browser limitations, worsening user experience.

Site Load Times:

Delayed Loading: Each redirect adds to the page load time, increasing the wait time for users. Slow-loading pages discourage engagement and may lead to visitors leaving the site.

Resolving issues related to excessive redirects is crucial for maintaining a smooth user experience, improving site performance, and ensuring search engines can effectively crawl and index content. It involves optimizing server configurations, streamlining redirection chains, and implementing best practices to minimize redirects, ultimately benefiting both SEO rankings and user satisfaction.

Wrap Up

The “Too Many Redirects” error can be a vexing issue, but with a systematic approach to troubleshooting, you can resolve it and restore normal access to your website. Understanding its causes, such as misconfigurations, SSL certificate issues, plugin conflicts, and more, is the first step. By addressing these underlying issues, you can ensure a seamless and uninterrupted online experience for both you and your users. If you’re not confident in handling these technical aspects, consider seeking assistance from a web developer or your hosting provider to resolve this error promptly.

By following these steps, you can successfully navigate and conquer the “Too Many Redirects” error, ensuring that your website functions smoothly and provides an optimal user experience.


1: What does ‘Too Many Redirects’ mean?
Answer: It occurs when a browser encounters an excessive number of redirect instructions while trying to access a webpage. This creates an infinite loop, preventing the page from loading.

2: What causes ‘Too Many Redirects’ on a website?
Answer: Common causes include misconfigured redirects in the server, conflicting redirect chains, incorrect SSL configurations, or looped redirect rules.

3: How does ‘Too Many Redirects’ impact a website?
Answer: Excessive redirects can slow down the site, causing poor user experience, and may affect SEO rankings. Visitors might encounter errors or fail to access the intended content.

4: How can I fix ‘Too Many Redirects’ on my site?
Answer: Start by identifying the root cause using tools like browser console or server logs. Correct misconfigured redirects, ensure SSL settings are accurate, and limit redirect chains.

5: Can ‘Too Many Redirects’ affect my website’s SEO?
Answer: Yes, it can negatively impact SEO. Search engines might interpret excessive redirects as poor site quality, affecting indexing and potentially lowering search rankings.

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